Lamp or table?
Event design meets monument conservation
For three consecutive years, EnBW called its executives to the Management Day in the disused part of the Heilbronn power plant, which is a listed building. In this spatially impressive but eventlogistically challenging location, the task each year was to stage different event formats from plenary sessions to exhibitions and workshops in a surprising way. raumHOCH took on this task on behalf of Milla & Partner.

Power station transform yourself
The challenge in the first year: How do you convert a plenum with 650 seats into a workshop setting with high tables in just one hour? By hanging the high tables from the ceiling as oversized luminaires and then letting them float down from there as an impressive spatial and audio installation. In the second year, the task was to create space for the plenum and exhibition as well as workshop area in the historic Kesselaal at the same time. The solution consisted of a scaffolding extending over several levels, which served as a tribune, exhibition and interaction area for the participants. In the third year, on the other hand, the boiler room was to be bathed in artificial light during the plenary sessions, while the afternoon workshops were to be held in daylight. For this purpose, slatted walls fulfilled the desired light-controlling function and at the same time served as large graphics defining the space as well as a communication medium for typographic messages. The participants still talk about the huge EnBW summer table, where all participants were seated for lunch…